The Spring Festival is just around the corner, e ill ring in the Year of the Rat. It also marks the first year of a ne round of the Chinese zodiac, since the rat is the first in the cycle of 12 Chinese zodiac signs.
zodiac [zdik]n.属相
To those ho might not be quite familiar ith the zodiac, it is a repeated cycle of 12 years, ith each year being represented by an animal. The cycle begins ith the Year of the Rat, and goes through Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, ending ith the Year of the Pig.
It is not difficult to notice that the rat is the smallest animal in the group, so ho es it ranks on of the list? Well, there are several explanations.
One Explanation: Terrestrial Branches
The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are based on the 12 Terrestrial Branches. Ancient Chinese people invented the system based on observations of the orbit of Jupiter, hich has a 12-year rotation basis.
Chinese people named each of the Terrestrial Branches, and use them to mark the year, month, date, as ell as different periods of the day. Therefore, Jupiter is also knon as the "Year Star" in ancient China.
The order of the zodiacs as based on their habits and activity time during the day. For example, the rats usually e out around midnight, therefore it is arranged at the beginning of the Terrestrial Branches, referring to the period beteen 23:00 pm and 1:00 am.
Likeise, the ox is the second because the animal ruminates after 1:00 am, and the tiger es next for it is believed to start ondering around preying beteen 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning. The same order as transplanted to the arrangement of the 12 zodiac signs.
ruminate[rum]vt. 反刍
Without any records on archives, this is the most believable explanation, since it is more of a summary of the ancient people's observation of nature. Most of the ancient systems used by the Chinese ere created in the same ay.
Another Explanation: folk stories
Where there is unknon, there are mythology and folk stories. Mystery generates stories and legends.
Being the smallest of the 12 animals and the one on of the list, the rat has been faced ith various kinds of questions and challenges since the very beginning. There are many stories to explain this.
In the most idely knon version, Huangdi, or the Yello Emperor, knon as a deity and ancestor of the Chinese people, called on all animals to get registered for the 12 zodiac hen the country firstly settled and the animals ere placed in a "first e, first serve basis." All the animals got up early in the morning and hurried to the destiny except the rat, hich found a shortcut by hiding on the ox's back. When the Yello Emperor starts to give them orders, the rat standing on the head of the ox as named first.
In some other versions, the rat as also said to have fotten to ake up the cat, hich therefore lost the qualification to be listed as one of the zodiac signs. Since then, the friendship died and they became enemies.
Everybody knos that folk stories are fictional, but it doesn't s them from being told from generation to generation.
The image of rat in the Chinese zodiac
No matter ho the rat made into the Chinese zodiac in the first place, being part of the group has already changed its destiny and expanded the cultural connotations of the little animal.
The zodiac sign of the rat represents qualities like intelligent, flexible and vigorous. People born in the Year of the Rat are also believed to be blessed ith such qualities. In some Chinese Kung Fu novels, the rat as also personalized in characters ith chivalrous spirits.
chivalrous[vlrs]adj. 侠义的
There are also a lot of poems, proverbs, fairy tales themed around the animal, and it has been depicted by artists in traditional Chinese paintings and statues.
But their image is not alays positive. In Chinese culture, rats could also be considered cunning, greedy, and sneaky.
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