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12 Leo 狮子座

Coming in as the least petitive of all zodiac signs, 510 Leo athletes in the study have a total of 681 medals bined. But hile they may not be major inners, Leos don't seem to let this bring them don, as they're confident, protective, and eling.


They are naturally regal, and alays assume a boss-like stance in any relationship or group dynamic.他们是天生的王者,在任何人际关系或群体互动中都会表现出领导风范。

Lyu Xiaojun [Photo/IC]

11 Scorpio 天蝎座

Out of 531 athletes, Scorpios have 696 medals. This ater sign is still a force to be reckoned ith, hoever, despite ho unpetitive they are. Allure notes that Scorpios not only "lie in ait and strike hen least expected," but they are very intuitive and passionate. They ill also ork long and hard to achieve their goals, refusing to let anything get in their ay.


10 Taurus 金牛座

The 518 Taureans in this study received a total of 713 Olympic medals. Because of the laid-back lives they live, per Cosmopolitan, it's no surprise that these athletes don't have the biggest petitive side.


"They are soothing, stoic, chilled, and happy in their on skin," Cosmopolitansays. "There is no drama or tension in their default state of mind or mood."


9 Libra 天秤座

Ma Long [Photo/Xinhua]

Only slightly more petitive than Taureans, Libras have on 724 medals, out of 529 athletes. While they aren't big on petition, they are big on learning ne things. Aording to Allure, this air sign has great taste and is very intellectual. They're also very focused on finding the fairest solution to any problem, so they on't let any aggression or petition get to them in the process.


8 Cancer 巨蟹座

Yang Qian [Photo by Wei Xiaohao/chinadaily..]

Among Cancers, 576 athletes on 741 medals at the Olympics. This ater sign likes to appreciate all the good things that they have in their lives, per InStyle. Clearly, Cancers don't make for sore losers. Hoever, that doesn't mean that they don't have a sensitive side.


"Whether they're orked up or droning in their feelings, often as a result of feeling that their giving nature has been taken advantage of, they'll be quick to retreat into their shell," InStylenotes.


7 Gemini 双子座

The 551 Geminis in the study are only a bit more petitive than Cancers, as they have a total of 744 medals. Geminis like to keep busy, ith many different passions and hobbies. They are big on trying ne things, so it's very unlikely that they'll be frightened by any type of petition.


6 Virgo 处女座

With 551 athletes ting 780 medals, Virgos fall somehere in the middle hen it es to their petitiveness. As noted by InStyle, they have killer anizational skills and alays pay attention to details, hich are highly valuable skills in any situation.


5 Aries 白羊座

Quan Chanhong[Photo/Xinhua]

RunRepeat found that 597 Aries on 797 medals. Along ith their bravery and strength, Aries kno ho to get everyone's attention, aording to Cosmopolitan. This fire sign also has a very passionate nature, hich is ultimately hat makes them so petitive.


"Steer aay from the mini-golf, Monopoly, playing cards or even that harmless little pub quiz machine because hatever is presented as a challenge to an Aries immediately bees a battle to the DEATH," Cosmopolitanarns.


4 Pisces 双鱼座

Coming in at fourth place on this list, 576 Pieces have 806 medals. Pisces let their emotions run ild, as they're knon for being passionate, empathic, romantic, and sensitive, as noted by InStyle. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, since emotions are hat makes Pisces "excel at a ide variety of forms of creative self-expression." There's a good chance they'll be ing in at first place if you go head-to-head.


3 Sagittarius 射手座

Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN) [Photo/Agencies]

Out of 609 athletes, Sagittarians have on 824 medals. This zodiac sign is big on honesty, ith no intention of holding anything back hen speaking their minds.


"Physically adept, petitive, and outdoorsy, most Sagittarians are built to play sports," Cosmopolitansays. "They thrive on the challenge of inning, and they enjoy the team-building (their open and friendly personality makes them a hit ith most other players)."


2 Aquarius 水瓶座

With the second-highest number of ins, 642 Aquarians have 829 medals.


"These air signs despise authority and anything that represents conventionality," Allure says. "Free-spirited and eentric, they can often be identified by their offbeat fashion sensibilities, unusual hobbies, and nonconformist attitude."


1 Capricorn 摩羯座

RunRepeat discovered that Capricorns are the ones to beat, as 854 athletes have on 1,202 medals. Results also shoed that the bined average of medals for all other zodiac signs is 757, and Capricorns earned 58.6 percent more medals than that. They are extremely career-driven, per InStyle, and pour their hearts and souls into their ork.


"They also see the orld through a pragmatic lens that lends itself to getting and staying anized, and are constantly striving to be on their A-game and be respected by colleagues and friends alike," InStylesays.





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